Welcome to District Leader:
Transforming Education, a podcast dedicated to highlighting district leaders in public education from across the country. Each week, host Luis Valentino, Ed.D., interviews superintendents who share their inspiring stories. District Leader is a podcast about moving and inspiring educators and non-educators alike to believe in the power of education, its leaders, and its transformation
Informing the District Leader podcasts are 3 important pillars: Scholarship, the concept that we are forever learning, Leadership, the concept that we are able to move and inspire people into thought, feeling, and action, and Agency, that we empower those we serve.
If you have any questions or would like to be a guest on the District Leader podcast, please Contact Us
Subscribing to the District Leader Podcast
The best way to listen to the District Leader podcast is through iTunes. If you are new to iTunes, we will share 5 easy steps to get you started. To subscribe to the podcast, you will need a computer with internet access, and the iTunes application downloaded onto your computer.
- Download the iTunes application onto your computer (Mac or PC)
- Install the iTunes application
- Open the iTunes application
- Search for District Leader
- Subscribe to the District Leader podcast