Sept. 15, 2016

David Tebo

David Tebo

"I think I stepped in a few things early on. I said some things that my intent was good, but it was perceived differently. And perception is that person's reality. So I really had to think about who I was and how I was leading." - David Tebo

David Tebo is the Superintendent for the Hamilton Community Schools, Hamilton, Michigan.  David is a passionate superintendent. He is a father, husband and avid reader who relentlessly seeks ways to meet the needs of ALL students. David has been an elementary teacher, a building principal, and is now in his second superintendency, serving students. A life-long learner, David constantly looks for ways to connect education to the world around us. He sees today's technological resources as a way to design new learning experiences that meet ALL learners where they are, giving them skills and context for their learning.